Hi Everyone,

In the last couple of weeks, I have talked about the hidden spring of Worship and the hidden spring of Bible reading.

Today I want to talk about the 'hidden spring' of creativity.  

I read online last year a little list of mental health points.  It discussed various feelings of down, and among them was 'feeling empty'.  On that afternoon that was actually how I felt.  It said, if you feel empty, do something creative.  

Now, this is a bit of a new/old thing for me.  It's old because I suspect I have always loved to be creative, but now new because I have discovered a new area in which to be creative.

It all started last year during our lockdown period when I had the opportunity to do an online watercolour painting course.  I had never done watercolour painting, but I do love art.  With a few nerves and a lot of excitement, I started out.  

Why am I calling this a 'hidden spring'?  Because this creative outlet brings no pressure with it. It

doesn't have to be perfect, it's not going to get graded and I can just 'play around'. With that comes a lot of joy and delight.  

There is so much that HAS TO BE DONE, we all need to step back and do something fun that doesn't have to be done.  

When trying to relax and refuel it is easy to collapse in front of a screen, whether it is the TV or our devices.  And there are definitely times for that. But if that's all we do we can often come away feeling flat.

To actually DO something just for the fun of it is rejuvenating. 

So whether it's art, gardening, making something, cooking something different, sewing, composing or writing, photography, or whatever; find time to 'play around' and activate the creative side of your soul.

Remember that mental health tip, about when we feel empty, to do something creative?  Well, that afternoon that is just what I did and I found it so satisfying.

I have a couple of questions for you.  

  • When was the last time you tried something new?
  • Do you have a creative outlet in your life, just for the fun of it?

"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."  1 Corinthians 10:31

Until next time,

with love,

Lynda xx

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