Hi everyone,

I hope you are well, and if you are in Queensland, high and dry, and have suffered no damage from Cyclone Alfred.

I have been home just over a week after a month in Thailand, helping out at a Bible College.  I have met the most amazing people, and from the first day, I was aware of the grace of God in my life.  

Thankful is to light a word to express for all that He has done for me.  This time last year, I was unwell and looking at a bleak future.  Twelve months on, God opened this door, and I couldn't have been in a more different place, both geographically and in my own well-being, if I tried.  

Some things only God can do!

On returning home to 'normal' I can find myself asking what my next big step of faith is.  "Where next, Lord, do you want to use me?"

This morning I was reading the following verses....

"You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.

17 My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise." Psalm 51:16-17

At the time this psalm was written the activity of bringing sacrifices and burnt offerings were a very public activity.  

I read somewhere this week that it is easier to serve God than to worship Him because in serving Him, we get to use our skills, but in worship, we get to open our hearts. Sometimes it is easier to be busy 'sacrificing for Him' than opening our hearts to Him.

In my personal 'debriefing' with The Holy Spirit, I needed to clean up some attitudes, repent for some words spoken, and not take off on another faith adventure!  

It is fine for me to enjoy the comforts of home, He is not asking me to 'step out' in faith anywhere.  He wants me to be fully present with Him in the Secret Place, so my heart can be cleaned up, renewed and readied for whatever He would have me do.

It takes humility to be fully and honestly present with God at home.  Going out and offering our lives as 'sacrifices' can look good, but what good is that if, in the sanctuary that is our heart, there is unfinished business?

I know there will be many more 'faith adventures', but right now, I'm free to be home, be rested, and be fully authentic in the Presence of my Saviour!

Can I encourage you to read Psalm 51 in its entirety?  It is such a beautiful, safe place in which to come to God.

Happily, back home,
With love,
Lynda xx

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Hi everyone, I hope you are well, and if you are in Queensland, high and dry, and have suffered no damage from Cyclone Alfred. I have been h...