Hi Everyone,
It has been a very long time since I have been here; a lot has happened, and my world has changed on so many levels. It has been tumultuous, to say the least. One thing has remained the same: The Presence of God, His faithfulness, His word and His comfort. Malachi 3:6 tells us that He never changes, and I KNOW that is true! This is not just something I believe; it is something I experience.My prayer is that you will know His presence in every season and every circumstance in the same way.
We live in very difficult times, which you do not need me to harp on about - no doubt you are painfully aware of disasters, wars, social unrest and economic challenges, to name a few.
This is what I want to say - LOOK UP - BUT KEEP DOING GOOD. Don't look to one hand where you may fall into paralysing fear and anxiety, and don't look to the other hand where you may become angry and issue-driven. That is a route you do not want to take!
But look up because your redemption draws near. Don't look up in passive waiting, but look up and keep doing good. Jesus said, when He comes back, will He find faith on the earth?
Keep your eyes looking up, but keep your hands busy doing good. Don't stop planning for the future; don't stop sharing the good news of the Gospel, which is for all people everywhere, no matter what their colour or creed. Don't stop loving, serving and giving. None of it is wasted and will find its place in His Kingdom on that great day.
If there is one thing the world needs right now, it is not a Church that is distracted by issues and anger or retreating in fear and anxiety. Nor does it need a Church that has disengaged while it waits for His coming. The world needs a Church that knows the final outcome and can function in faith and love wherever it is and whoever it is with while we wait.
Please, keep your eyes and your heart in the right direction! And keep your hands busy with generous and faith-filled activity.
Much love,
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