My husband, Jeff, is an incredibly flexible man... patient and easygoing. This has been a real blessing to me as I've shared life with a man who is undemanding and chilled. His name means peace, and anyone who knows him knows that this word sums him up!
However, I tend to be an all or nothing kind of person. Black or white, right or wrong and so on. One of my mantras is "If in doubt - throw it out". Flexibility is not my thing...I like to go for a walk FIRST THING in the morning. If I miss FIRST THING, I tend to not go. This morning Jeff encouraged me to go a bit later; it was still early, just not FIRST THING! It was well worth it.
Because I'm all or nothing, I often fail to see opportunity when it is right in front of me. Recently I was praying about some dreams I have, and the idea behind the prayer was, "Lord, please clear the decks for me so I can do this thing". He answered my prayer.
He said, "Use the margins".
That sounds like something Jeff would say.

Isaiah 40:3 Listen! It's the voice of someone shouting,
Can you see where this straight highway is to be made? It's in a wilderness and a wasteland.
It feels like a wasteland when life is complex and can be hugely demotivating. Anxiety and depression can settle in like a dark wet blanket, and all our get up and go, gets up and walks out! It can feel just too hard to DO anything in that place. So we remain immobilised, waiting for the wasteland to transform all by itself.
However, that is precisely where God calls us to action! In that wasteland. We are by faith to carve a smooth straight pathway where He can begin to work in our lives and where we can begin to make progress. I have another mantra...
"Action kills apathy".
Just doing something can break the spell of depression that holds us in a state of inertia.
Like my margin issue, when we are in a wasteland, it feels like there is no opportunity to make progress. My last mantra for today is...
"When you feel overwhelmed, just start anywhere and keep moving"
What are some things we need to do to make good highways? Well, I imagine there would be some ground clearing to do. That is an excellent place to start.
Is there some rough ground of hurt and unforgiveness? What about the uneven ground in our priorities? Perhaps bad habits and thought patterns?
Then we can put some materials in. How about an attitude of gratitude? Prayer? Acts of kindness and generosity?
However, the first step if we want to make a straight path for God in our lives is to come to Him in genuine humility and repentance. Receive His forgiveness and ask Him to fill our hearts with His love and power.
Then remember that He is with us every day, in every moment, loving us and ready to give us all we need to succeed. And every new day presents a unique opportunity to do better!
"Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning." Lamentations 3:23
May you and I both use our margins and build our straight paths, and in doing that, see God fill our lives with joy and fruitfulness!Until next time,Lynda x
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