Hi Everyone,

Being winter here in the southern hemisphere, I have been considering 'winter trees'.  I've always loved the look of the bare branches against the sky, but trees that are full of leaves, fruit and colour are delightful to see.  In the end, a tree that is always a 'winter tree' is a dead tree.

Psalm 1:3 says that a tree planted by the river will bear fruit, 'in its season'.  This indicates that there is a specific time for trees to be fruitful.

The issue isn't whether the tree is bearing fruit so much as where the tree is planted.  

Psalm 1 is all about being planted in the Word of God.  Drawing nourishment from the truth.  In this age of false information and passionate opinions, we must be planted in The Word of God.  I have often been reading the news or social media on my phone, then go to the Bible App.  The shift in my levels of anxiety when I settle in His Word is telling!  Opinions come and go, but the Word of God stands forever. 

The grass withers, the flower fades,
But the word of our God stands forever   Isaiah 40:8
The counsel of the Lord stands forever,
The plans of His heart to all generations.  Psalm 33:11

It's all about the root system.

If the root system is good, the fruit will come.  Winter trees planted in the right place look dead, but their root system ensures that they are not dead; they are just winter trees.

Paul's prayer in Ephesians 3:17 is that our hearts be rooted in God's love.  If our hearts are planted in His love, not planted in success, popularity or easy circumstances, we can be assured that the winter tree is not a dead tree.

One word of warning... Hebrews 12:15 warns us of the danger of a root of bitterness springing up.  It is worth reading this verse in context to find out what causes the root of bitterness.  This root of bitterness will eventually cause the tree to shrivel up and die or cause such weakness and instability that a fierce wind will topple it.

Whatever we do, we must take care of our root system by planting our hearts deep in His Word and in His love.  

And remember that Winter trees become Spring trees... Summer trees... Autumn trees and the cycle goes on.

Please don't judge yourself by what's going on above the surface; just take care of the hidden places of your soul's root system, and rest in the fact that you will once again become a summer tree.

Much love,

Lynda xx

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