Hi Everyone,
Welcome to my new blog. I hope that you will find it a source of rich encouragement. Feel free to comment - I want to hear from you as well! If there are some questions concerning faith and life you would like me to comment on, shoot me an email. I'll do my best!
I've titled this first post, "A Happy Stumble". That is because today I determined that I was going to cross off some tasks, including creating this new blog! In order to turn it from a frustrating and exhausting stumble, I made a few choices. Hopefully, these ideas will help you to 'stumble' along - happily!
1. I decided that I was going to be OK with being clueless! I can't learn anything new if I hold onto the illusion that I know what I'm doing!
2. I decided that even though it feels like I'm wasting time... I'm not. It takes time to learn new things, and time spent learning new things is always time well spent.
3. I had a shortlist of what I wanted to achieve today. If I nail that shortlist, then I've won!
4. Connected to my shortlist was giving myself permission to put off till tomorrow a lot of other things.
5. I have my favourite kind of music playing and make a nice cup of tea as I go along.6. Last, but certainly not least, I listen to my soul. I find that this stumbling along learning new skills and then writing creates a deep sense of satisfaction in me, so I know I'm working within my God-given giftings.
I hope this encourages you to step out and, and if necessary, stumble along - happily!
Much love,
Lynda xx
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