Do you ever get confused about how much we should talk about the grace of God in our lives and how much we should have self-confidence? Is it all Jesus or a partnership with Him?
The Apostle Paul was a man who, for various reasons, often re-affirms himself as an Apostle and a minister of the Gospel. A couple of those reasons were that he had a history of violence and hatred towards Christ's followers, and he was not one of the original twelve disciples. That's a fair bit of history to deal with!
I absolutely love the passage in Colossians 1 that talks about the pre-eminence of Christ... verses 15-18
But Paul begins this letter with a declaration of who he is..." Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God..." Then, in verses 24-29, he talks about his work as an apostle.
Go ahead, find out who He has called you to be, whatever that is, own it, and bless the world with it.
After all, we are only stewards of His grace.