A couple of years ago, I had a vivid dream. Now, not all dreams are prophetic, but this one was.

We have a massive Tiuana Tree in our backyard. It's a beautiful tree that gives our backyard its character and feel. It also decides what will grow because of its size and position.

I dreamed that it was being cut down. As I watched this activity, I tried to work out who authorised the tree cutting, as Jeff and I had not ordered it. Maybe the neighbours were sick of it? As I watched, I wondered what we would do with the yard once it was gone. I was also worried about the safety of our little dog and cat.

As I thought about this, I realised that the tree was being professionally cut, and it was a safe process.

                                                                                                                      Photo by David Vig on Unsplash

Within months, our lives began to change. We had entered a hefty pruning season. This included personal health challenges and the sudden passing of my mother. It also involved professional changes for us both as we are now both 'retired'.

The transitional season has not been anything other than painful. 

I read Psalm 43:5 this morning: "Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I SHALL YET PRAISE HIM, the help of my countenance and my God."

Over these last few years, this has been my prayer as I tried to imagine being in a season of joy.

Well, I'm here to say it's true! God has brought us through, and I cannot begin to express the gratitude and praise that fill my soul. 'Thankful' is barely a word strong enough as the season of mourning has passed.

Finally, have you ever seen a tree stump that has begun to shoot again and another tree stump that hasn't? To stop a tree from re-shooting, you must apply some poison to the stump. 

When the tree of your life has been cut, do not allow the poison of bitterness to be applied. Keep your heart that feels like it has been cut to its base open and soft to the healing grace of God, stay in His Word, pour out your pain to Him, and you will find the tree stump alive with fresh shoots in time - and you will YET PRAISE HIM!

 Photo by Justin Dream on Unsplash

With love,
Lynda xx


  SAY IT SLOW ..... K I N D N E S S Anyone who knows me well knows I'm inclined to say to myself, "LYNDA, GET A GRIP!" I prefe...