Just before Christmas, I was browsing the shops with Emma, my daughter. I saw something that caught my attention as, to me, it represented The Question of our Times.  

Clearly, this question was about something other than a good meal, drink, or place to live. It was about behaviour because we all want our stockings full at Christmas!  

We live in a world that says if it feels good - it is. But this has problems, particularly when my good and your good collide. Invariably, someone gets hurt, relationships sour, and our lives are diminished at best and destroyed at worst.

It is good that we have road rules that have nothing to do with how we feel or what we want but everything to do with having a standard that protects all road users. These rules are not subjective or open to negotiation but entirely outside me.

We need an objective "Good" that is outside us all, and I think that is what this image asks for. A clear definition that is bigger than us all, especially in the individualistic society that we live in.

However, this is more than just a question of our times. Back over two thousand years ago, the same was asked of Jesus. A man came to Jesus and asked precisely that question, "Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?"  

Jesus gave this man an abrupt answer; he said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God." Essentially, Jesus replied as if He would refer the man to someone else... but He didn't.  

We find elsewhere in Scripture the answer to this dilemma.  

John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."  then, later in the conversation, Jesus tells Thomas that those who have seen Jesus have seen the Father.

So, if we want an objective 'bigger than me' answer to what is good, we look to Jesus. When someone asks me what God is like, I tell them to read the Gospels that show us Jesus because everything that Jesus thought, said and did is what God thinks, says and does.

Not only is He a great example of 'good', but He gives us what it takes to live good lives by offering forgiveness, a fresh start and the empowerment of The Holy Spirit within us to do good.

It is now the 10th of January, and the Christmas break is fading as the new year begins. Can I encourage you to read the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke & John, and discover God who is altogether good, demonstrated in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Finally, all the very best for 2024. My prayer for us all is that it will be 'Good'!

Much love,



  SAY IT SLOW ..... K I N D N E S S Anyone who knows me well knows I'm inclined to say to myself, "LYNDA, GET A GRIP!" I prefe...